Pictures of Sarah Darling

Title: P1010032
Date: June 08, 2002
Album: Harvard Graduation
Subjects: Heather Rose Jennifer Sunami Josh Packard Ken Ferry Sarah Darling
Sarah and Jihwan's recital
Title: Sarah and Jihwan's recital
Date: June 08, 2002
Album: Quincy 602:603 and Friends
Subjects: Jihwan Kim Sarah Darling
Description: This was great. Sarah and Jihwan gave an impromptu senior recital and played all sorts of stuff. Peter and Jihwan each had a piece on the program. Here they're playing music from FFX.
Title: P1010031
Date: June 08, 2002
Album: Harvard Graduation
Subjects: Cendri Hutcherson Josh Packard Ken Ferry Sarah Darling
Title: P020520-125914
Date: May 20, 2002
Album: Senior Soirée
Subjects: Aara Edwards Cendri Hutcherson Heather Rose Jeff Filippini Sarah Darling
Title: P020520-093039
Date: May 20, 2002
Album: Senior Soirée
Subjects: Aara Edwards Cendri Hutcherson Sarah Darling
Title: P1010002_1
Date: March 29, 2002
Album: Spring Break - Vermont Camping
Subjects: Keith Goodman Ken Ferry Sarah Darling
Description: Keith is brushing his teeth, not, uh, smoking something.
Title: P020520-090418
Date: May 20, 2002
Album: Senior Soirée
Subjects: Aara Edwards Sarah Darling
Title: P020520-092939
Date: May 20, 2002
Album: Senior Soirée
Subjects: Cendri Hutcherson Sarah Darling
Title: P1010006_1
Date: March 29, 2002
Album: Spring Break - Vermont Camping
Subjects: Sarah Darling
Description: Oy.. so this was our tent. It's set up, and indeed we've already spent the night in it. Note the complete lack of walls. Not pictured is the pouring rain.
Title: P020520-093014
Date: May 20, 2002
Album: Senior Soirée
Subjects: Cendri Hutcherson Sarah Darling